5 Methods to Make Your Startup Profitable

High inflation rates and interest rates pose challenges for many startups. Many wonder if their business model is truly profitable or if it can still be optimized. But what exactly does "being profitable" mean? And how can a startup achieve this? In this article, we will primarily focus on costs and outline a few practical steps you can take within a few months to bring your startup into the profit zone.

First things first: what is a "profitable" startup?

A company is profitable when it earns more money than it spends. This seems like a simple definition, but many factors determine this. These include operating costs - all costs necessary for the operational running of the business. These include:

  • Personnel costs
  • Rent/lease for office or workspaces
  • Costs for operation and maintenance of machinery
  • Infrastructure costs (servers, internet, laptops, printers, etc.)
  • Marketing & PR costs
  • Insurance, and much more.

A profitable company must be able to cover these costs and also earn enough money to generate a profit beyond that.

What factors influence operating costs?

Operating costs are one of the most important factors determining a company's profitability. They include all costs a business incurs to operate. These include office rent, electricity, water, employee salaries, insurance, taxes, fees, and much more.

Operating costs can vary significantly from company to company. Some companies have high operating costs because they are located in expensive cities or have many employees. Other companies have lower operating costs because they are in cheaper areas or manage with few employees to maintain operations.

It's important to note that high operating costs are not necessarily bad. They can be a sign of a growing company. The problem arises, however, when operating costs exceed a company's revenues - in this case, the company has difficulty remaining profitable.

5 Measures to Make a Startup Profitable

In today's business world, startups are the heart of innovation. They bring new ideas, technologies, and business models to the market. However, making a startup profitable is a challenge. Here are five measures that can help:

Suppliers and Service Providers

Choosing the right suppliers and service providers can significantly impact a startup's profitability. A good supplier can help reduce operating costs and improve product quality. Here are some things to look out for:

  • Select the right suppliers and service providers: The selection of suitable suppliers and service providers is crucial for a company's success. Not only price but also the quality of products or services and the reliability of the provider should be considered. A careful selection process can help reduce operating costs and improve overall company performance.
  • Review contract terms with suppliers and service providers: It is important to thoroughly review the terms and conditions of contracts with suppliers and service providers. This includes aspects such as delivery times, product quality, liability, and other contractual agreements. Clear and fair contract design promotes smooth business relationships and minimizes potential risks.
  • Negotiate favorable payment terms: When negotiating with suppliers and service providers, ensure you achieve favorable payment terms. This can take the form of longer payment deadlines, discounts, or other financial arrangements. The goal is to improve the company's cash flow and minimize financial burdens.

Number of Employees

The number of employees has a direct impact on a startup's profitability. It is important to find the right balance. Too many employees can drive up costs, while too few employees can impair performance. Therefore, it is important to determine the optimal number of employees.

Employees should be used efficiently. It is important that every employee has a clear role and responsibility. Through efficient management and good leadership, employees can be kept motivated and productive. It is also important to invest in the training and development of employees. This can help improve employee performance and increase the company's profitability.

Office vs. Shared Office

Office rent can make up a significant portion of a startup's operating costs. It is therefore important to regularly review the office rent and ensure it is market-appropriate. If the office rent is too high, consider moving to a cheaper office or negotiating with the landlord to reduce the rent.

It may also be worthwhile to consider hybrid work models such as home office or coworking spaces. Through these models, the company can save many costs while simultaneously improving employee productivity and satisfaction.

Digital Instead of Traditional Media

Using new media in the media mix can help attract new customers while reducing costs. Unlike traditional media such as TV, radio, or print, Google, Instagram, and others often have lower prices.

Digital media such as SEO, social media, blogs, podcasts, and videos can be an effective and cost-efficient way to market a startup.

It is important to have a clear strategy for using new media. You should know which media the target audience uses and how to use these media effectively. With a good strategy and creative content, you can attract the target audience's attention and generate interest in the startup's products or services.

Price Increase for Own Products or Services

So far, we have focused on the cost side as it is faster and less risky than price increases. But price changes can also improve a startup's profitability. However, it is important that a price increase is carefully planned and implemented. You should know the price elasticity of demand and ensure that a price increase does not lead to a drop in demand.

It is also important to communicate the price increase well. You should explain the reasons for the price increase to customers and ensure they understand the added value they receive for the higher price. Through good communication and price strategy, you can increase profitability without affecting customer satisfaction.


Improving a startup's profitability is not an easy task. It requires careful planning, smart decisions, and constant adjustments. But with the right strategies and measures, it is possible to reduce operating costs and increase profitability. It is important to always keep the big picture in mind and focus on the company's long-term profitability and sustainability. With patience, perseverance, and the right approach, any startup can become profitable.