Increase Your Productivity & Success Chances

Your Guide to More Productivity, Efficiency, and Success Within Your Company.

The world of work has changed significantly in recent years. Companies face the challenge of keeping up with rapid innovations and changes. This requires a new mindset and skillset focused on flexibility, failing, and agility. At the same time, effective knowledge transfer is crucial to fully harness the potential of automation. In this article, we will delve into the automation mindset, the new generation skillset, and knowledge transfer.

The Automation Mindset - or: Why We Love Efficiency

The automation mindset refers to a way of thinking aimed at finding efficient and automated solutions to improve and optimize work processes.

A culture of efficiency and process optimization is at the forefront. Team members should always look for ways to automate repetitive tasks and reduce manual workflows. Tasks can be executed more precisely and error-free, as human errors are minimized. More time and energy can be devoted to more demanding tasks, which can lead to an increase in productivity and innovation. Additionally, there is higher accuracy, consistency, and reliability of work results, which in turn can increase team members' trust and satisfaction.

Furthermore, the automation mindset affects how teams collaborate. By leveraging technology and automation, teams can communicate more effectively, share information, and make decisions. Automated workflows and tools enable seamless collaboration, regardless of geographic location or time zones, which is particularly beneficial in globally distributed teams.

It's important to note that the automation mindset doesn't mean that human interaction or creativity becomes redundant. Instead, it's about using human skills and resources more effectively by automating routine tasks. This allows team members to focus on more complex and strategic tasks that require interpersonal skills, critical thinking, and creativity.

Overall, the automation mindset can lead to increased efficiency, better resource utilization, and improved team collaboration. By adopting this mindset, teams can continuously optimize their work processes and adapt to the changing demands of the digital work environment. To fully realize the potential, it's crucial to continually convey the importance of this mindset. Encourage exploring and using new technologies and automation solutions.

Best Practice: andys

At andys, many processes run digitally and automatically: different tools interact, simplify our daily business, and support us in scaling our office locations. We teach this mindset to our team from the beginning. About 95% of automations have arisen from the desire to scale and have more time for strategic issues. Around 25 tools interact with each other, triggering all automations. However, it's not just IT that works on optimizing paths but also sales, marketing, and even facility management.

In conclusion, the automation mindset is a way of thinking that focuses on efficiency, process optimization, and automation. It requires an open attitude, teamwork, self-reflection, and a focus on positive impacts. By developing this mindset, teams can increase their productivity, better utilize their resources, and collaborate more effectively. It is an essential skill in the digital workplace and can help address its challenges successfully.

How about you? Have you ever thought about why you exhibit certain behavior patterns or how you have acquired new soft skills?

The New Generation Skillset: Flexibility, Failing, and Agility

Young organizations already feel it strongly and have learned to use it to their advantage. Larger and/or older companies are still struggling to integrate it into their organization.

– What do I mean by this? What am I talking about?

The skillset: flexibility, failing, and agility – reflects specific skills that lead the new generation of employees to continuously rethink "the way of working." This challenges all of us. This topic is mainly about the "work environment," which encompasses more than just office equipment and spaces. The work environment includes the structure of the organization and team collaboration, which has a significant impact on individual performance and, not to forget, the success of the company.

Flexibility is the ability to quickly adapt to new requirements, technologies, and work methods. In a constantly changing digital work environment, flexibility is crucial. Team members should be open to change, new ideas, and new ways of working. They should be willing to adjust their tasks and roles to meet changing demands. Flexibility enables teams to respond agilely to challenges and collaborate effectively.

Failing, or the willingness to learn from mistakes and take risks. The concept of "failing forward" emphasizes the importance of mistakes as learning opportunities. Teams should create an environment where mistakes are accepted to foster innovation and continuous learning. By openly discussing their mistakes, team members can learn from each other and develop better solutions together. Failing is not seen as a failure but as part of an iterative learning process that leads to improvement.

Agility refers to the ability to quickly and efficiently adapt to changes and develop solutions. Agile methods such as Scrum or Kanban allow teams to organize their work in short cycles to continuously deliver value. Agile teams work closely together, regularly exchange information, and adjust their plans and priorities accordingly. This agility enables teams to respond flexibly to changes and continuously improve their performance.

To promote and develop flexibility, failing, and agility in teams, the following best practices can be helpful:

  • Foster a culture of trust and openness. Team members should feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking questions, and giving feedback.
  • Encourage team members to work outside their comfort zone and learn new skills. This can be done through further education, training, or job rotations.
  • Create a safe space where mistakes are accepted and seen as learning opportunities. Conduct regular retrospectives to learn from mistakes and continuously improve. Also, share success stories of failed projects that provide valuable insights.
  • Implement agile methods and frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, or Design Thinking to promote team collaboration. These methods enable teams to continuously adapt and respond to changing requirements.
  • Create a positive feedback culture and encourage team members to share their opinions and ideas.

Why Knowledge Transfer is More Than Just a Tool Tutorial

To fully harness the potential of automation, effective knowledge transfer is essential. Automation tools and technologies can help automate repetitive and rule-based tasks, but they are not enough on their own. It is important to understand the context, best practices, and underlying concepts. Knowledge transfer should involve the interactive exchange of knowledge, the discussion of challenges, and the joint development of expertise.

Effective knowledge transfer is achieved through various measures. Mentoring and coaching allow experienced employees to pass on their knowledge to younger or less experienced colleagues. Communities of practice provide a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences. Documentation and knowledge management ensure that relevant knowledge is captured and easily accessible. Collaborative work environments and digital tools support knowledge transfer and team collaboration.

An Automation-Friendly Team Culture

To successfully implement these concepts, an automation-friendly team culture is crucial:

"Companies should create a culture of trust and openness, where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking questions, and giving feedback."

Stefanie Sittler, COO @

They should encourage team members to work outside their comfort zone and learn new skills. A culture of failure and willingness to learn are also important to promote innovation and continuous learning.

Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping an automation-friendly team culture. They should promote knowledge transfer, support interactive exchange, and enable open communication. Acting as a link to the team culture, they create an environment where flexibility, failing, and agility can be lived.

By adopting the automation mindset, integrating flexibility, failing, and agility into our work practices, and enabling effective knowledge transfer, we can increase our productivity and successfully respond to the challenges of the modern work world. It is time to develop these skills and prepare for the opportunities that automation and digital transformation offer.