Hybrid working as a benefit for companies

Hybrid work is a flexible work model that allows employees to work independently of location. “Hybrid” in this context means a mix of “onsite” (i.e., in the office) and “remote” (i.e., outside the office, usually from home or an external office) work. This model offers a range of benefits to both companies and employees but also presents some challenges.

What is Hybrid Work?

Hybrid work was accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, but its roots go back long before the pandemic. It is based on the realization that work does not necessarily have to be tied to a physical location and that digitization creates new possibilities for organizing work.

This new way of working is not just a response to a crisis but a strategic decision aimed at long-term benefits. It’s about combining the best of both worlds: the flexibility and autonomy of remote work with the social and collaborative aspects of onsite work.

In this article, we explore the benefits for companies, employees, and the challenges that come with remote work. We also provide a concrete plan on how to implement hybrid work in a company.

Benefits of Hybrid Work for Companies

Hybrid work brings many benefits to companies, whether SMEs or large corporations. Companies benefit from:

Lower Costs

One of the main arguments for hybrid work from a company’s perspective is the possibility of cost savings. If employees spend less time in the office, companies can rent smaller office spaces or even do without offices entirely. This can lead to significant savings in real estate costs.

Higher Employee Retention

Another advantage is increased job satisfaction and productivity of employees. Studies show that employees who can work flexibly tend to be more satisfied and productive. They can better adapt their working hours to their personal needs and avoid long commutes.

Access to a Larger Talent Pool

Hybrid work also allows companies to access a larger talent pool. If work is no longer tied to a specific location, companies can search for talent that doesn’t live near the office. This can be especially beneficial for companies in regions with a shortage of skilled workers.

Benefits of Hybrid Work for Employees

Hybrid work also offers numerous advantages for employees. Hybrid work provides employees with:

More Flexibility and Autonomy

Employees can decide where and when they want to work, which can lead to a better work-life balance.

Better Work-Life Balance

With flexibility, employees can plan their working hours to pick up their children from school or go shopping in peace.

Variety in Work

Another advantage is the possibility to work in a more comfortable environment (e.g., at home) or in a shared office. Many people find it more pleasant to work from home because they can design their work environment according to their own preferences. For example, they can work in comfortable clothes and use their own coffee machine. Or they can talk and network with employees from other companies or industries in a shared office.

Better Health

Hybrid work can also lead to less stress and better health. Commuting is often cited as one of the most stressful aspects of working life. With hybrid work, employees can reduce or even avoid this stress.

Challenges of Hybrid Work

Communication and Collaboration

Despite the many advantages, hybrid work is not without challenges. One of the biggest challenges is ensuring effective communication and collaboration. When employees are no longer regularly in the office, it can be more difficult to share information and work together on projects.

Management of Remote Employees

Another challenge is managing remote employees. Managers need to learn new skills to lead their teams effectively when they are no longer regularly in the office. This can include dealing with technology, organizing virtual meetings, or fostering team spirit and cohesion.

Work-Life Balance

Finally, maintaining work-life balance can be a challenge. While flexibility is a significant advantage of hybrid work, it can also lead to blurred boundaries between work and leisure. Employees need to learn to manage their work and ensure they don’t work too long or put themselves under too much pressure.

Implementing the Hybrid Work Model

Planning and Preparation by HR

Implementing hybrid work requires careful planning and preparation. Companies first need to develop a clear strategy for remote employees. This should specify who is allowed to work from home, how often and at what times, and how communication and collaboration should be organized.

Necessary Infrastructure

Additionally, it is essential for companies to provide the necessary infrastructure and technology to support a hybrid work model. This includes, for example, a secure and stable Wi-Fi connection, suitable office workstations, laptops, and more. For companies that rent a shared office or coworking space, the infrastructure is usually already included, so they don’t have to worry about aspects like printers or a secure and fast Wi-Fi connection.

Clear Task Assignments for Remote Employees

Especially in the home office, it is important that employees clearly know their tasks. Certain tasks are better suited to being done at home (repetitive tasks, presentations, etc.), while others are better performed in the company (creative work or brainstorming sessions). An exception is the rented small office, as it is a mix of the above work methods, most tasks can be done here. These solutions usually also have their own meeting rooms that can be booked flexibly.

The Future of Work is Hybrid

The future of work is undoubtedly hybrid. More and more companies are recognizing the benefits of hybrid work and implementing flexible work models. At the same time, the technologies and practices that enable hybrid work are constantly evolving.

The Covid-19 pandemic has only accelerated this trend. Many companies have realized during the pandemic that hybrid work is not only feasible but also advantageous. They have seen that their employees can also be productive from home and that flexible work leads to higher employee satisfaction.

However, it is important to note that hybrid work is not suitable for every company or every employee. Each company must carefully examine whether and how it can implement hybrid work and ensure that it provides the necessary support and infrastructure. Only in this way can hybrid work become a real advantage for companies.