8 Online Networking Tips for Your Success in 2023

Online networking theoretically starts with a simple “hello,” but in practice, it often looks different. It is a continuous process that requires persistence, attention, organization, and goodwill.

If you incorporate the art of networking into your job search, you will gain opportunities and build relationships that can last a lifetime.

Show potential clients and employers your value with these simple, successful online networking tips:

1. Have a Strategy in Mind

Think about clear goals you want to achieve and how you can get there. Do you want to network with mentors to learn more? Are you looking to change jobs? Do you want to increase brand awareness for your brand? Or do you just want to exchange ideas and make friends?

You should have an idea of who you want in your network.

Focus on connecting with people who can help you achieve your goals, such as promoting something you want to sell or spreading your competencies. Of course, you can also just start and see what develops. However, your online presence is more effective when you know what you want. Keep in mind that your goals can change at any time. Be as flexible with your goals as you are with your strategies.

2. Stay Visible

This is particularly important if you want to expand your business into new fields or applications. Use online networking to gain more visibility in local or global segments of your market. You can do this by joining interest groups on social media platforms or asking a trusted mentor to introduce you to people in these areas.

Participate in a forum. On various networking websites, you can showcase your competence and credibility. In return, you can attract like-minded individuals to your network. By interacting with others, you can gain valuable insights, advice, and resources.

The takeaway from the above suggestions: It’s not enough to simply have a profile on various platforms. Just like in-person networking, you must proactively engage to be seen.

This doesn’t mean you should message as many people as possible on all platforms. The golden rule is to be active, but with moderation and purpose.

3. Pitch Perfect

Even if you don’t want to come across as if you’ve memorized your pitch, you should think about what you want to say in advance.

To avoid feeling insecure or nervous, take the time to practice in front of a mirror. Pay attention to your facial expressions; positive thoughts can help you appear relaxed.

Whether you are introducing yourself to an individual or a group, you should generally state your name and profession. As the conversation progresses, you can talk about your experiences, goals, and some of your key passions.

The content of your presentation should be tailored to you and your personality so that you come across as friendly and authentic. However, try to use language and grammar appropriate to the occasion.

Tip: Keep your introduction short and to the point to avoid boring your online networking contacts.

4. Genuine Interaction

For the conversation to flow smoothly and for you not to come off as arrogant, you should also show interest in your conversation partner. It’s not just about you and your next career step. People usually respond positively when asked about themselves and when you show interest in their answers. Naturally, you must ask questions that make sense in the given situation. Try some of the following questions:

  • How long have you been with this company? Or: How long have you been in this field?
  • What do you like about your job, and what do you not like?
  • What kind of education did you need for this position?
  • What kind of work culture does your company have?

Pay attention to convincing body language so your conversation partner feels comfortable and knows you are interested in continuing the conversation. This is particularly important and challenging in video calls, where maintaining eye contact involves looking directly into the camera.

Tip: Maintain convincing body language to ensure your conversation partner feels comfortable and knows you are interested in continuing the conversation.

5. Utilize the Advantages of Social Media Networking

Social media offers several great benefits: you can creatively stay in touch with your audience and strengthen your personal brand. You can also stay up-to-date with various emerging trends.

Initially, social media was a fun way to share experiences with friends. Now, they offer the chance to create a personal brand. For broad reach, online networking is crucial. Think about which platforms are most efficient for achieving your goals.

The top 3 platforms with the highest presence and reach are LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook:

  • LinkedIn

    LinkedIn is a true all-rounder among social media. While it focuses on B2B companies, it also has much to offer in a B2C context. Think of it as a digital business card in your professional life.

    Your digital business card should contain all the essential information that provides a good overview of you.

    • Choose a professional photo
    • Write a compelling headline
    • Select your job description and a concise summary
    • Showcase your achievements
    • Add your experiences
  • Instagram

    Instagram is much more than just an app for sharing photos. It is a great way to connect with B2C companies and brands.

  • Facebook

    As one of the first social media platforms, Facebook's reach offers numerous opportunities to spread your ideas and opinions.

Tip: Be creative with your profile picture for online networking.

6. Never Ask for a Job

Networking does not mean asking everyone you meet for a job. In fact, you should never ask for a job during networking.

Networking is a give-and-take among virtual professional contacts. Take the time to get to know your contact, observe how the person acts in your network before taking further steps.

Once you have established a common ground, you can start asking the person for insights that helped them in their job search. This way, you gain valuable and useful tips while subtly implying that you are job hunting.

Your main goal in networking should be to build a relationship and establish a good rapport.

Your contact will then be willing to recommend you when a potential opportunity arises in the future.

7. Find a Reason to Stay in Touch

If you want to build a relationship with another person, you should find a "hook" to maintain the connection. If you read an article that sparked a lively discussion during a networking meeting, save it and send it to that person with a short note about what you found interesting.

Try to find at least two or three opportunities per year to reconnect with members of your network. Just like maintaining friendships, you should also nurture your networking contacts to keep the relationship active.

Again, ensure the relationship remains professional and mutually beneficial. Avoid keeping the contact alive with trivial or one-sided reasons.

8. Learn from Others’ Mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes is not engaging in networking at all. Networking should be a constant companion throughout your career. Through networking, you can increase brand awareness, a must if you are part of a startup. You can find a good mentor who gives you the right tips and contacts to advance your career. You can also meet like-minded people with whom you can start an active exchange. Especially when you are at the beginning of your career, it is good to know what mistakes others have made.


Networking is one of the most complex aspects of the professional world. It can be challenging to decide how to successfully start your online activities. For this reason, networking and a strong community are essential in our locations. Our members benefit from the opportunity to chat with like-minded people and make valuable business contacts.