Coworking Trends 2021

Are you comfortably at home with your cat on your lap, enjoying a chamomile tea while reading our Coworking Trends 2021? Are you in the office, chatting with your colleagues over a coffee about this? Or perhaps you’re stretching out your legs on a beach somewhere, working remotely in the midday heat?

The Old Work is Dead, Long Live the New Work!

It’s almost impossible to find a company that wasn’t affected by the coronavirus crisis. Many firms had to switch from on-site to remote working. There are many pros and cons to both methods, and plenty of expert opinions and industry know-it-alls who often debate which is best.

One fact is clear: Flexible working is here to stay.

The flexibility offered by coworking and shared-space solutions is simply unbeatable. It’s no wonder that while the coworking trends of 2021 may not be new, they have certainly expanded. In this article, we provide an overview of the trends in remote working, coworking, and shared spaces to give you a glimpse into the future of your work style. Enjoy!

What is "Flexible Working"?

What does flexibility at work mean? Flexible work means freedom for both companies to respond more quickly to market changes and for employees to find a functioning work-life balance. We and many others believe that flexibility at work consists of three parts:

  • Flexibility to choose where you work
  • Flexibility to choose when you work
  • Flexibility to control and manage your workload

According to the IWG Global Workspace Survey, few professionals can truly claim they work flexibly. It’s important to highlight that not long ago, many of us couldn’t even imagine such flexibility was possible.

Source: IDG Research Services. Germany: June 19-26, 2018. 629 surveyed companies

The survey indicates that 27% of professionals can choose their work location (city, type of office, etc.) and control their workload. 21% can select their working hours, and 26% can decide whether to work in the office or from home.

This suggests that despite the changing perspective in the work environment, only a quarter of professionals can claim to be flexible according to at least one of these criteria. The number of people who fulfill all three criteria is likely even lower.

Nowadays, renting an office is not as simple as it used to be. The cost-efficiency is no longer there for many companies, as most of their employees are working from home. These companies still need different workspaces for team meetings and social exchanges in the office. This is confirmed not only by the coworking trends of 2021 but also by our practice in various locations.

It remains a myth that a team can function optimally without meeting in person. We believe that work is more enjoyable with colleagues in person, setting and achieving goals together, rather than just through a screen.

What Do Flexible Workspaces Offer Us?

Most modern successful companies have one thing in common: the agility to make internal changes in response to external circumstances and market changes. “Rigid” companies, on the other hand, lose touch with the market and fail to adapt to circumstances.

Flexible workspaces can significantly contribute to increasing a company’s overall agility. According to an IWG survey, most respondents noted that flexible work has a wide-ranging positive impact on their company's overall success.

Source: IDG Research Services. Germany: June 19-26, 2018. 629 surveyed companies

According to the study, 89% of respondents believe that flexible working positively impacts productivity in their industry.

The main arguments for companies to implement flexible working are:

  • Reducing operational and capital costs
  • Strengthening the portfolio
  • Increasing the company’s responsiveness
  • Simplifying scaling up or down

Overall, it is assumed that implementing flexible workspaces has a positive effect on business. If something works, it usually stays.

The Coworking Trends

Flexible working was rare and almost unimaginable a decade ago. Working from home was typically only a special arrangement for families in particular situations. Working in coffee shops, despite growing in popularity in recent years, achieves significantly lower productivity levels compared to working in a professional environment.

It’s no wonder the coworking market is growing so rapidly. It is certain that in the near future, flexible work models and shared office spaces will be as normal as traditional offices.

Source: IDG Research Services. Germany: June 19-26, 2018. 629 surveyed companies

Telecommuting technology has advanced to the point where some companies operate entirely with remote teams. It’s not uncommon for companies to allow employees to work from home one or two days a week.

The IWG Workplace Survey reports that 80% of German companies already enable or plan to introduce flexible work models.

In Austria, the demand for flexible work environments is growing rapidly. The focus is on minimizing commitment and reducing costs for commercial properties. There is a current desire for a serviced work environment (all-in concept). SMEs are particularly focused on long-term cost reduction, especially since the beginning of the pandemic.

Sources: Bloomberg, Forbes, DerStandard

According to the IDG Research Services survey, most companies are ahead in developing the workplace of the future. Only 17.5% feel no need for innovations in the workplace.

Source: IDG Research Services. Germany: June 19-26, 2018. 629 surveyed companies

More than half of the respondents report that workplace flexibility is already a topic for their company. About 20% are still in the early stages of development.

The Positive Effect of COVID-19: Flexibility Has Reached a New Level

Corona has influenced many aspects of our lives, especially how we view work and collaboration. The shift to flexible working has accelerated at a faster pace than previously expected, thanks to COVID-19.

Source: Deskmag (c) Statista 2021 / Further information: Europe November 12-24, 2020; 129 active coworking spaces

According to the Deskmag survey on expected coworking trends in Europe after the pandemic, the number of coworking spaces, digital nomads, and home-office work is increasing. In comparison, the number of business trips and commercial real estate prices is stagnating.

Impact of Corona on Work Source: Hays (c) Statista 2021 / Further information: Austria; Hays Institute for Employment and Employability, 2020. 151 professionals and executives

The corona crisis has influenced individual aspects of New Work. Most respondents believe that the crisis has accelerated the temporal and spatial flexibility of work.

We are convinced that...

Coworking trends in 2021 are increasingly becoming a habit. Flexible work environments such as shared offices, coworking spaces, etc., are both an alternative and a complement to traditional offices and home offices.

The combination leads to a high degree of flexibility, agility, and happiness!

By reducing space or using flexible work environments, companies can significantly lower their costs. They also have a larger catchment area to attract new talent in the market. Commuters benefit from these changes as integrating flexibility represents a significant time gain in their workday.

Nevertheless, a professional infrastructure, a place to exchange ideas with like-minded people, and a serviced work environment are essential for every entrepreneur and employee. Only pushing for home offices or exclusive use of headquarters does not lead to satisfaction and a balanced workday.

Our mission is to further advance the flexibility of the work world and make a valuable contribution through our andys locations by providing high-quality serviced professional work environments that put you and your work style at the center.
